Friday, 24 September 2010



Today was a good day.

Of course, I sat through about all of my classes and didn't understand a thing.

And I got super sad and stressed out during my second to last hour of school.

But then, Emma Clark did an amazing thing for me.

She bought me a waffle.

And this small gesture made my day :)

Here is a small montage of me eating said waffle.

Needless to say, the waffle was delicious.

I got to be crazy after school with a friend on my bus. And it honestly cheered me up to the fullest extent possible. I love the people here. I love making new friends, and I love being here.

Tonight I am going to a dinner party at Mikayla's house. At first, I was disappointed, as there are two other parties going on tonight with my friends from school.

But at the moment, I am truly appreciating these two amazingly beautiful American girls who attend school with me.

I know it isn't good to spend all of my time with other exchange students; and I'm not. But the time I do spend with them is amazing. They know exactly what I'm going through, and they are the most helpful and supportive people.

So this blog post is dedicated to them.

Mikayla, thank you for cheering me up today. Walking with you after school really helped brighten my spirits, and I know that going to your house tonight will be INTERESTING to say the least :)

My dear Emma, thank you for everything. I am so happy you are going to the same school with me and I cannot wait to see all of the adventures we rack up later on this year :)


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! Ahahahahahahahaha I laughed so hard at that picture montage. It's fantastic. :D :D :D

    Love always (and forever hehe),

  2. I know.
    I just hope none of the Belgians read this post.
    They will judge me HARDCORE.

  3. you are a goof! I am laughing out loud, and you know that takes a lot!
    I love you and miss you!
